Generating Ideas Via Engagement
generating ideas via engagement
Joining older adults and nursing students to discover the diversity of what growing older means, across generations.
GIVE Study
We invite you to participate in an intergenerational experience, Discovering the diversity of what growing older means across generations: The GIVE project.
This study is approved by the University of Saskatchewan Behavioural Research Ethics Board, Beh ID-3237.
To get a broader perspective of what it means to be an older adult living in our society through sharing stories and experiences.
Most often, nursing learners are meeting older adults in a healthcare setting. Through GIVE we are hoping learners will have an opportunity to work with older adults in community as learning partners rather than as someone receiving care.
What We Will Create Together
Each team will contribute to a ‘GIVE’ resource, which is a collection of ideas, to be shared with all the teams. The ideas come from your conversations.
The Process
Conversation teams will be 4-6 3rd year nursing students from the NURS 306.3 Exploring Aging and Chronicity course and 1 older adult.
Conversations will be approximately 45 minutes and conducted over Zoom.
In the week prior to the conversation, you will receive information from a member of the team to help you prepare for the conversation. This may require you to read or watch something or gather information or experiences to bring to the conversation. No more than 15 minutes will be required to prepare for each session.
Conversation teams will meet 3 times over the course of the semester (January to March, 2023).
Everyone shares their stories.
GIVE conversations are not interview sessions!! These are conversations like ones you would have in a social setting.
At the end of each conversation, everyone shares one thing that makes them excited.
Within the team, nursing students will take turns to fulfil the following roles
Zoom Guru
Recruitment is open!
If you participated last year, welcome back! Please re-register using the green button above.
Feel free to share your experience with friends, family, and other people in your network.
Thank you for helping us recruit older adult participants into the GIVE project.
for now...
Orientation Dates:
December 19, 2024 at 12 p.m. (SK Time)
Learn More:
Please click on the following links to learn more about the GIVE project's purpose, aims, what we will create together, the process, and conversation projects and days.